






Hey, this is me, Rike. I consult, write, teach and I am passionate about Emergence, Collaboration, Futures Literacy, Systems Change and how to deal well with Uncertainty and Complexity.

In my work I am all about how the new comes into the world: 

As Head of the Institut für Praktische Emergenz, I explore new ways to change living systems from the inside out. 

I help leaders from a wide range of industries, organizations and institutions to go off-script and support teams in working together towards transformation.

I teach at universities and colleges.  


As co-founder of NxF | navigate by fiction, I helped develop a process for collaborative future prototyping for organizations in economy and politics using science fiction.


I’m a Munich native, where I now live again with my patchwork family after circumnavigating the North Atlantic on a sailboat and getting seasick a lot. I hold a Master’s degree in Chinese and Japanese Studies and Language Philosophy. I have lived in Taiwan for a good while to deepen my knowledge of Mandarin and Daoism. 


Find my articles on Medium, connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, check out my book and subscribe to my newsletter (↓).

Buch Ohne festen Boden Rike Pätzold
Buch Ohne festen Boden Rike Pätzold

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Subscribe to my rather irregular newsletter
(content in German)



As a SPEAKER I focus on the question of how to navigate uncertainty.  

Speaking occasions: TEDx ESMT Berlin, Catalyzing the Future, Emotion Working Women Conference etc.


As a LECTURER I teach at universities and colleges about Uncertainty, Emergence, Complexity, Futures Literacy and Smart Cities.

I have taught at a variety of universities and colleges: LMU München, Universität Mannheim, Universität der Bundeswehr Neubiberg, Hochschule für Philosophie München, Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Landshut, AIB Bonn, Universität Kassel etc.

- Consulting

The ability to navigate ambiguous and unfamiliar situations is the key to get diverse teams to not only perform but to excel. I support in fostering uncertainty tolerance and helping teams and organizations develop complexity awareness.

2020 ©Rike Pätzold • Impressum & Datenschutzerklärung

Design Katrin Bohlinger